Archive for August, 2012

Piatra Neamt – Unforgettable !!!

I am sorry for the poor quality of this night shot. I was lazy to carry a tripod that evening. My ISO was way high and I was in a cable-car.

Alien Earth ! – A Grape…

Thank you all for your views and comments on my previous post. Only one person that commented on the image uploaded on SorinPhotography Facebook page got it right – it is a Grape .

The image above is the first shot I took to try out the light and just see if something can come out from this idea. I was lucky enough to get the perfect natural light for it because nothing was planned.

The above was the chosen one by me from the few shots I got (I tried different approaches- zoomed in a bit, changed the angle…etc) and after editing was finished, the bellow image was the outcome.

Alien Earth !?

It does feel as we are living on an every day more alien Earth, doesn’t it? It is a very awkward feeling …but is as real as my backache. And as Bengay does wonders to my back…the crazy dream to have been born on another Blue Planet in another Green universe makes that awkward feeling more normal than it should actually be if I ever wish not to be considered for a place in a madhouse.
And maybe the day will come when my crazy dream will be a reality were the evolution of Homo Sapiens will have a chance for a fresh beginning in an “Eurekan” society were love,logic and thought will prevail and stupidity, ignorance and arrogance will be outlawed.

(just rambling thought or maybe too wishful thinking …crazy is always a possibility)

I will let you take a guess at what is the thing in the image bellow and you will see how right you were in your guess once I publish my next post.

Your critique, opinion or any comments you might want to share are always welcomed …so don’t be shy or afraid to write down your thoughts ….

Moth !

Wasp !